Face to Face: Meet Neeti Khanna-Mehrotra
We’re so happy to continue our regular Face to Face interviews, where we get to know the amazing beaders and designers in our community! The Beadingschool Club keeps growing, and we love introducing members who inspire us all—not just with their stunning jewelry, but with their creativity and passion.
Today, we’re especially delighted to feature Neeti! We’re so happy to have her in our community — her kindness, warm smile, and beautiful jewels truly brighten our days when she’s around.
Meet the Beadingschool Club member, talented beader and lovely friend to many of us,
Neeti Khanna-Mehrotra!
Please tell us about yourself a bit! When and how did you start to create? How did you learn to bead?
I am a self-taught beader. A dear friend, Mary, introduced me to beading. She showed me her stash and got me started on spiral stitch. I bought 2 books – Sabine Lippert’s Beaded Fantasies and Jill Wiseman’s Beaded Ropes. That was more than 15 years back.
Is beadwork your hobby or profession? How does your average day look like? When do you have time to create?
Beadwork started as a hobby, as a challenge and creative outlet. But now for more than a year, I have been working with a wonderful Canadian company, and I could not have asked for anything better. I mostly work from home and my day includes updating shop and website for the company as needed, testing patterns, designing colourways for existing patterns, and more recently, coming up with my own patterns. The latter is possible only because of Erika’s Live Design sessions.
What did beading bring to your life? (Try to think about before and after effect).
Beading made me an artist in my own eyes. I have always done needlework, crochet, knitting from a young age, but I never thought of myself as an Arty person. I was a Math & Science person, so I could not be an artist (so I thought). Beading made me realize that art, science and math are all intertwined. One cannot exist without the other. Beading has brought so much colour, joy and fulfillment in my life!
We know you’re friend with Claire and you got to meet…Can you share with us a bit more about how this happened?
Dear, dear Claire… It was the Tulip Mania theme, and I had still waiting for the arrival of my box. I substituted some beads for a NOHTBA and wasn’t sure it worked. I posted a photo and mentioned I was thinking of frogging it. Among others, Claire responded and said she would adopt the piece, if I completed it. It turned out beautiful when completed, so I shipped it to her eventually. We connected on Messenger and discovered a lot of common interests. The next summer Claire & her hubby, Tim visited Canada and came over to see us. We hit off like a house on fire and our husbands had no option but to go along too. As you know, Claire loves to spoil her friends with wonderful beady gifts, and it is like she reads my mind.
I do hope we can meet soon again and have a lesson with Erika and Zuzi.
Tell us about the piece of jewelry that is special for you or you are the most proud of!
The first piece I beaded was Volcanoes Necklace from Sabine’s book ‘Beaded Fantasies’. I had only beaded a spiral stitch bracelet and knew nothing about beading. My friend, Mary, ordered the beads for me. The instruction style got me going and with beginner’s luck, it turned out beautiful. I gifted it to my sister and that is my most special piece to date.
I do need a connection to every piece I bead, and I have to make it mine, even if in a small way, that no one else sees. My beads talk to me and try to listen to what they have to say.
Where do you like to create? Do you have a designated area in your home where you keep your beads?
I have a roll-up secretary’s desk with lots of storage area and that has been a life saver. I bead at the bigger dining table, so I can spread out. My beads are talking over the whole house.
What is your favorite stitch? Which colors do you like the most? On the other hand, is there any color or color combination you try to avoid?
I love repeating stitches like peyote and CRAW. I find them calming. But on the other hand, I am always up for a challenge. I cannot wait to try new ideas. Colours – Of course Turquoise and shades of blue. Getting the colours right is very important to me. I could easily spend more time choosing colours than I spend beading a pattern.
The Academy boxes have taught me that every colour is beautiful in its own way. Art Deco taught me the beauty of green, Tulip Mania made me go out with pink and purple and Dolce Vita was the biggest surprise love. I thought I only liked bright colours.
Do you follow instructions or do you like to develop your own designs? How would you define your style?
Mostly I follow instructions. It’s amazing how everyone’s mind works differently, and all the designers are so creative. Now that I have designed a few patterns, it brings a bigger appreciation for all the work that goes into it. I am too much of a newbie to have a style yet.
Who are your favorite designers? Why?
Sabine Lippert and Jill Wiseman – because they initiated me to beading.
Erika, Zuzi and Beadingschool designers – because they taught me to look at the whole piece and finishing options along with fabulous repeating patterns.. They brought a polished finish to my amateur creations. I love Zuzi’s open & airy, no-fuss style of design. Also love the challenges of Ruxi’s designs.
Do you have a favorite design by Erika? Tell us about it!
Sashiko by Erika, is my absolute favourite! My heart sings and I feel so happy even thinking of it!
I was introduced to Erika when she did the Bead Embroidery beadalong of the traveller’s pendant in the Seed Beads & More Facebook group. I did not bead it then as I did not think I was capable of it. But I would watch Erika’s videos and loved that she taught not only the pattern, but like a teacher, she covered other beads too. After a few months, I finally decided to take a plunge and I loved it. The cup-chain box collection was my first Beading School purchase.
Which is the bead / component in your stash which you treasure the most? Do you already have plans on how to use it?
I am a hoarder for all shiny things, cabochons, finishing drops, connectors and cup chains. I have to push myself to use these. But I have realized Advent comes every year and Erika continues to find even more beauties for us. Life is short, use the pretties!
If you could design something for a well-known person or maybe a fictional character from a film or book, who would it be, and why?
More than a famous or fictional character, I love to make things for my close friends and relatives. It gives me a lot of joy when I see them wearing them often. My sister, most of all.
What are your plans for the future as a beader? Is there something you would really like to learn?
I truly can say I have achieved more than I ever dreamed of. I would like to hone my skills at designing and at writing tutorials better. I would love to have a pattern published in a beading magazine.
Where can we see and/or buy your designs?
I usually post my creations on Instagram @neeti_creates.
Thank you for answering our questions, Neeti!
We look forward to keep beading with you, more inspiration and growth as beaders-designers-friends. We’re thankful for having you in the Beadingschool community.
Dear beading-friends and beadwork admirers, please, use the comment section if you have more questions you would like to ask, or greet our Neeti.
Stay tuned for more interviews for Beadingschool.com by Erika Sándor!
Dear Neeti,
Thank you for sharing your beading journey with so much warmth, care and joy. I’m so happy for all the achievements so far truly deserved. Love your colour choices. May your pretty art and creativity grow and spread open.
Hugs Sangeeta
Thank you dear Sangeeta! Thanks for your kind wishes.
Dear Neeti
Thank you for sharing your beading life with us. I am always enjoying your posts and comments on social media.
Thank you dear Mirjam! ❤
I loved this interview and seeing all your beautiful creations! They make me smile Neeti! I love that you are working with a company where you can use your artistry and talent to grow your designing skills. You are amazingly talented! And you are always so kind and sweet to me in the club and I appreciate it so much! Sending big hugs my friend!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you dear Terry! Your comments mean a lot to me. Hugs right back!
Such a beautiful sole you are dear Neeti ❤️
Hope to meet you one day at the beading treat 😘
Thanks dear Mehtap! I really hope so, too!
Dear Neeti, it’s nice and interesting to learn a bit more about you. Thank you for sharing it with us. 👍🤗😘
Thanks dear Beatrix!
Thank you Neeti! I loved reading your article. You are most definitly an artist! Love seeing your work in the club. Congratulations 🌻💖
Thank you dear Jessica! You are so kind!
Thank you Neeti! I loved reading your article. You are most definitly an artist! Love seeing your work in the club. Congratulations 🌻💖
Oh, I loved this article so much! I always enjoy seeing what you create, Neeti, and love the connection between you and Claire! Thank you for sharing with us,
Thank you dear Susan! We are all so fortunate in our friendships within this group. ❤️
Dear Neeti. What a fabulous article (and it’s not because you mention me!) You are an amazing beader with a great eye for colour. You say that I spoil you, but you do the same to me and I’m so pleased we connected over your beautiful brooch. Here’s to many more years of friendship and holidays together. xx
Thank you dear Claire, for everything! Just for being you and for being my friend! Love you. ❤️
So nice to read about your joy with beading and how you started. So glad you enjoy it ! Love the blue bracelet you bead embroider it’s pretty! Congratulations ♥️❣️
Thank you dear Deb! The Blue cuff was my mini-Challenge entry for Jardin Majorelle theme. It was fun to make. Glad you like it. ❤️