My mum used to say that there is absolutely no chance that I will find true friends after I leave high school. Maybe it’s possible while I am still at the university, but there is surely no way after I start to work. Because never ever will it be the same as before. Well, the last part I found true. It’s really not the same: sometimes it’s a lot more complicated, but overall I find being an adult, working hard and following my dreams a lot more enjoyable than my years as a hotheaded teenager. And the thing about finding new friends… Zuzi Hake is one of the precious people who proved that part wrong.
I met Zuzi Hake thanks to her husband, Pali, who wanted to give her something special for Christmas.
He wanted to gift her time which she will enjoy greatly – a kind of wellness treatment for the soul.
And he chose jewelry making workshops with me, for which I am still grateful.

Photo by Anna Cagala
Zuzi was a quick learner. She took huge steps in learning the different techniques. Also, we talked a lot and laughed a lot together. Soon she started to teach in my bead shop. We held creative sessions and were brainstorming about bead shapes, colours and stitches. We had a great time in Hamburg at the Beaders Best, together with our friend and collegue in one, Saska. Zuzi visited me several times while I was living in Prague. We had the best French pastry together (OMG those pistachio tartalettes and passionfruit mini-baskets!) and were, of course, bead shopping.
I like to call Zuzi my BBFF – my Best Beady Friend Forever.
And after mentioning the best shaped shoulder to cry on when there’s a need
and her cheerful spirit you can rely when there’s a mood for a beer
I have to finally talk about her bead-related abilities, too.
She participated in the Battle of the Beadsmith in 2014 and designed one of the most time and energy-consuming pieces I’ve seen so far in this competition. Her Midsummer Night’s Dream (you can see below both the finished necklace and some work-in-progress pictures) is a magnificent and luxurious jewel. Zuzi has a deep connection to elaborate, exquisite pieces, and she can transform into one-of-a-kind, eye-catching pieces not only Swarovski crystal elements and Shibori ribbons, but vintage watch-components, too.

You will find here interviews with jewelry makers and fashion designers every second week.
Together we wish you a pleasent time reading!

Please tell us about yourself and your brand a bit!
My name is Zuzana Hake and I come from Slovakia. I love to create brand new items using different materials, also to recycle old pieces when giving new life and purpose to them. This applies both for jewelry and also decorations we have at home. I use Zuzi Hake Jewelry as my brand name at the moment, however I don’t think it is final. I haven’t thought it will grow and that I will sell my creations one day when I started to create jewelry. On the other side I have two main styles in my designs – beadwork and steampunk jewelry. They are both different, but equally loved. I also fuse them from time to time. So let’s say the brand and its name is still under construction.
How did your story as a designer begin? Do you remember the first piece you sold?
It is not easy to set a certain date as I had several re-starts since I was 11 years old. When I was a kid I used to spend my summer holidays at my grandmas. Each of them excelled in different craft techniques and taught me the basics. My parents were the same. They always supported me and didn’t mind (or probably gave up on) the creative mess around me in the house. My last and also main restart happened 5 years ago when I got to your bead store (blame Erika! :)) where I found high quality materials and took the first beading classes. I sold the first piece from this era to my friend Lucia – who insisted to pay me 🙂 It was a rich fuchsia tone pearl bracelet with earrings.
Please tell us how does your average day look like! It’s so exciting to get to know more about the lifestyle of a designer!
I have a regular day job to cover bills, expenses and bead addiction, so I work five days a week as a project manager in a large IT company preparing education events. Then there are evenings after work, all kinds of days off and weekends where I split my free time between my husband, family, friends and also creating.
It is not always easy but I would define designing as a hobby I am trying to put on professional level.
I think a lot about preparing and creating opportunity, so when the time comes I am able to make a switch and change my profession – life is full of changes and you never know 😉 If I’d look into my “beading or steampunk day”: I start really early in the morning with either planning new pieces or finishing some of the UFOs (UnFinished Objects). I work for a few hours and take a break for lunch. I take pictures of my new pieces using daylight, ideally by 3-4pm, depending on how the design develops. I update my webshop and respond to messages later in the day. I try not to bead in the evening so my eyes can get some relax (it is not easy at all ;)).

What makes your designs stand out of the crowd of other designers? Which are your favorite colors, shapes, materials etc?

For what kind of occasions can we wear your pieces? What’s the woman who wears your design like?
My jewelry is meant to be worn on regular days, but also at special occasions. I really like that most of the pieces goes well with a simple shirt and jeans as well as with fancy dresses. Some are wearing beaded jewelry when going for a walk or shopping, on the other side there are brides on their wedding day wearing steampunk style earrings! I am really pleased to see also men wearing my accessories, since I make cufflinks too. I know they wear them to business meetings, when they go out for a date, on special occasions and wedding days, too.
My customers tend to seek difference and perfect finish in each piece.
I would say this is common for both ladies and gentlemen.

Where does your inspiration come from? Do you have some rituals to boost your creative energy?
I find lots of inspiration when I visit a new place. This also boosts my overall energy. Then I love fantasy and fairy tales that shake a little with my imagination. When it comes to colors I just look closer at nature and details I see every day in close up. This often opens a new door for or a new combination of materials. Many things boost my creative energy. I love this moment when I see the beautiful stone, cabochon or crystals in my hand and in one second I can see new project growing up from this few elements. I always try to memorize quickly the first vision of my new project because the next ideas are already waiting for the new space in my head and on my beading table.
Do you have a piece of jewelry you made, that is somehow special to you?
My favorite piece is a bead embroidered brooch where I combined a steampunk resin cabochon I made, some Swarovski rivolis and seed beads. It brings together basic elements of my style and my favorite beads.

If you could design something for a well-known person or maybe a fictional character from a film or book, who would it be, and why?
I think it would be amazing if Scarlet Johansson or Liv Tyler wore my jewelry on red carpet.
What kind of clothes and accessories do you wear? Who are your favorite designers and why?
I prefer simple style, like jeans with white, brown or marsala shirt where I can wear a scarf and a pin brooch to it. I usually wear the smallest earrings, but add extra colors and touch with a brooch or a flower headband. When it comes to clothes I have some basics from global brands and I buy a lot from small local designers. All scarfs, handbags or accessories I have are handmade.
There was a print I really liked, it said: “Think globally, shop locally.” This totally fits me.

What is your goal in the future? Where would you like to see your brand?
My jewelry brought me and my husband so much already! We made good friends thanks to the bead store Koralkovy svet, toured design markets, recognized our own style, saw new places. I am grateful I can teach beading, that there is a design store where I supply my steampunk jewelry, etc. I live for the moment and focus on just a few next steps when walking my way. I also try to be open for new ideas and directions. I would like to find more time for maintaining my FB page and setting up a blog so I can be more visible in the community and to be recognized. When it comes to dreams, I hope to teach bead embroidery with shibori silk ribbons in one of the studios in New York City one day 😉
Where can we see and buy your designs?
Don’t miss local design markets if you happen to travel to Slovakia, Czech Republic or Austria! It is possible you will find me there. Then there is a chance to email or message me via Etsy or Facebook. I am happy to handle requests on a custom order or simply to search in my stock for the perfect piece for you.
Zuzi Hake on Pinterest:
Thank you very much for answering my questions, Zuzi!
Tell Zuzi Hake in a comment, how do you like her art!
And what do you think about the new series “Face to face!”
Whould you like to tell us more about your art and be featured in one of the upcoming interviews?
Don’t hesitate and drop me a line here 🙂
Zuzi your designs are fantastic! You are so creative and I love how you incorporate so many different elements to your jewelry! I love the shibori silk earrings your designed! I would like to learn how to work with it some day. Your Little Prince piece is my favorite. Good luck in all of your plans. Thank you for teaching us also!
Erika 🙂 júúj som veľmi rada a teším sa, že si urobila rozhovor so Zuzkou !
Bola medzi prvými, ktorých som oslovila 🙂