I know Alina for years but our friendship got stronger during the first year of lockdown, when we found ourselves in each other’s closest circle with whom we still met face to face. We used to drink lots of coffee while wrapped into a blanket on her balcony and watching the morning lights brightening the day, used to talk about the value we want to create through the businesses that we are nurturing. She is a trainer and also makes outfits for sports – for example my yoga pants on this picture.
Isn’t it wonderful how well it fits the earrings that I made?
Hi Erika. I love your blog about your travels to Mexico. It looks fantastic, so vibrant. I will be so excited to see how it influences your designs. It must have been lovely to spend time with your close friend
Susanna xx
Hi Susanna, I’m so glad you enjoyed reading it! 🙂 We had a very nice time and I will treasure all the memories. I think the influence already started, I’m actually curious to see where it will lead.