The designs Zuzi created for the Fairy Forest theme are inspired by the box itself. While beading, she was thinking of various fairies, pixies and woodland creatures, their powers, appeareance and characters. You’re invited to join this little mythical world that surrounds us when walking in forest, park, or our garden – even if it’s just on your balcony! Let your imagination play its part.
Sylvara is a deity of nature, forests, and wildlife. She’s also known as a ‘Guardian of the Ancient Trees’. She can communicate with trees, hearing their wisdom, and guiding lost travelers. She’s described as elegant, and tall, with emerald green eyes. I think the name matches this bracelet design perfectly.
Bead a continuous motif of Mobyduos and fire-polished beads, with a bit of Preciosa sparkle, into a bracelet! It’s possible to make a cuff by connecting 2 or more single-row bracelets.
The tutorial is a GIFT to the beading community. You can download it as PDF file.
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