I remember when the email invitation for a personal, face-to-face meeting landed in my inbox. It is quite rare in the current pandemic situation and none of us expected Erika to travel to Slovakia. I believe I can speak on behalf of the whole Beadinschool Team that we were happy to learn this news and looked forward to spending time together.
Of course, we were not able to fit into the office
Ladies in the warehouse brainstormed ideas, where to held the meeting, as there were 8 of us getting together – Erika, Adam, Ivett, Orsi, Monika, Andi, Kati, and me – Zuzi. We missed Timea, who couldn’t join.
We met and enjoyed a beautiful place, Chateau Amada, near Dunajska Streda, Slovakia. It’s a romantic, historical place rebuilt into a hotel, offering relaxation in wellness&spa (maybe next time 😉 ) and also conference, and meeting services.
We were welcomed with coffee and tea, and also got a little tour around the chateau to start the day!
Thanks to absolutely gorgeous weather, the staff prepared our little “conference” space outside so we could enjoy the sun and fresh breeze in the park.
Yes, we had agenda for the meeting!
First, a bit of business
We were welcomed by Erika who prepared the whole speech 🙂 Andi presented a little insight into operations and strategy, so we all are on the same page when it comes to goals – as individuals and the team.
Second, the fun part
What we really didn’t expect, were lovely presents. Erika gifted each of us a handmade jewel beaded by her, something sweet – chocolates, something purely Dutch – cheese, and something with the Beadingschool logo on it. Thank you for spoiling us!
I really loved the team quiz by Ivett! She prepared a set of questions we answered and then presented the results together. We needed to conclude some of the answers as a team – counting our pets, or scars 😀 to find out who guessed the correct answer. Other questions were personal. This was a great opportunity to learn new things about each other and that was the best thing!
We got to bead together, too!
This is something I have planned for months. When I learned ladies in the warehouse don’t bead or haven’t tried making any kind of jewelry before, I really wanted to show them at least the basics. Having this teambuilding meeting was a great opportunity. Each of us got one Summer Spirit Box to get initial inspiration, components, and beads.
First, we tried to work with pliers. What I really loved was the creativity and thinking outside the box. For example, Andi didn’t find the earring component she wanted for her earrings so she simply made it from the eye pin!
Ivett and Andi showed their amazing speed (as in most of the things they do) and made two pairs of earrings using pliers.
Next was beading their first peyote bezel! The level of excitement and interest honestly surprised me. Even Adam, our IT guru, asked for beads!
Kati knew that she wanted a pair of earrings from the beginning. Andi surprised me by designing the bracelet. Orsi, Monika, and Ivett did amazingly well for their first time beading with Miyuki seed beads, including the smallest size, 15/0. Erika and I are so proud of them all!
Erika took a picture of all the jewelry made yesterday and we also got a team photo!

The seed (bead) was planted and I know at least 4 of them will continue with more jewelry projects!
We did a little fun photoshoot together after tasty lunch and coffee…
…and Erika found a tree for her classy handstand picture 😀
I feel thankful we were given the opportunity to have a wonderful time together as a team – to share fun moments, passion for creativity, discussing ideas, respect each other, and love what Beadingschool means and Erika represents with following her vision and hard work. I believe we all enjoyed it and look forward to our next meeting, and beading together!
Thank you and greetings from your Beadingschool Team 🙂
I’m so happy to see you all together, having fun, actually meet in person and enjoying the day. Congratulations to the jewelry you all made, they are so nice and happy pieces. I hope, that Zuzi, Erika and the pupils of the Beadingschool “infected” you a bit with beading. But then the workplace will be dangerous 😉 Big hugs to all of you!!!
Thank you, Kata 🙂 We had a wonderful time together, loved seeing all the beauty that was created on this end as well!
Konečne najlepší team pokope , ste skvelí 🎉👏 Som veľmi rada že sa vám podarilo toto úžasné spoločné stretnutie 🤗💖 a spoločne ste tvorili krásne šperky👌✨ Beadingschool je pohladenie po duši a som nesmierne rada že som v tomto spoločenstve láskavých, milých , kreatívnych priateľov z celého sveta 😍💖 Mám vás všetkých rada 🤗😘
Ludka, dakujeme za Tvoju neustalu podporu. Radost rozdavanim rastie! Obijmam! <3
It’s so nice to see you all. What a great team! ❤️
Thank you, Anna! We’re happy Erika got us all together 🙂
What a lovely team you are!!! So nice to see you all having fun and beading together.
Fantastic pictures will become fantastic memories. Love the beading school tshirts and the mug 🥰
Beadingschool is the best 🥂
Thank you, Martine 🙂 Erika is very good at keeping secrets, so I don’t have info when-how on the mug and t-shirts, but I think these are not the only ones that exist 😉 Stay tuned and have a lovely day 🙂
Not the only ones, but, unfortunately, it will take some more time until we can send them out to our beloved Beadingschool Students. We found many of them chipped in the boxes, so we are sending them back to the factory 🙁