#ClubDesigns is a series of articles on the Storytelling blog and a series of posts in the Beadingschool Club on Facebook.
Erika says:
“Since the beginning of the first COVID-lockdown, we bead together every Friday, to make sure that #NoOneHasToBeadAlone.
We bead a different jewel every week – designed specifically for the workshop. Afterward, it’s really fun to see all the variations beaders come up with! Not only colors differ, but very often a pendant becomes a brooch, a motif that was originally an earring is modified into a bracelet or a ring. Moreover, sometimes it happens that not all the bead shapes are available to someone – and she needs to alter the original design to make it work.”
The #ClubDesigns series is the collection of this beady wisdom.
International Beading Week with Erika and Alicia’s Flower
There is one week in the year that every beader celebrates! It’s International Beading Week where we connect as a community and bead together. This year Erika prepared a gift for us – another great design – Alicia’s Flower. Easy to follow and fairly quick to make, versatile, and lovable. Just a few words to describe it. Preciosa bicone beads shine through it, fitting nicely with SuperDuo beads, and Miyuki’s Half Tila and Slender bugle beads.
Click here for the beading tutorial!
- Gemduo beads
- 4 mm Preciosa bicone beads
- 6 mm Preciosa bicone beads
- SuperDuo beads
- 6 mm Miyuki slender bugle beads
- Miyuki Half Tila beads
- Miyuki seed beads 15/0 – 1-2 colors
- Miyuki Delica 11/0
- ss16 / 4 mm Preciosa sew-on rhinestone
Optional: drops, beads, etc. to hang from the bottom, findings to finish your jewel.
- thin beading needle
0.12 mm / 6LB Fireline
bead mat
thread burner or scissors
Let’s see what we beaded together and shared in Beadingschool Club on Facebook.
Alicia’s Flower necklace by Valerie Jones
I remember Valerie struggled a bit with thread tension so she had to bead her first motif again. It was worth fixing, as the final result and Alicia’s Flower necklace are wonderful! Thank you for sharing and beading with us, Valerie!
Alicia’s Flower necklaces by Tanja and Kathy Quintelier
Tanja – necklace on the left – says:
Lots of Preciosa beauties. Exactly 3 sew-on rhinestones leftover from my kit Shooting Star. Crystal AB Slender Bugles was a gift from the ladies in the Beadingschool warehouse to my order of rhinestone box. Gemduos are also from Erika’s shop.
A super great design from Erika. A very nice beading time together yesterday. YES, Alicia’s flower is absolutely one of the winners amongst the NOHTBA-designs….thank you so much dear Erika.
Kathy – necklace on the right – says:
The rope is a CRAW on 3 with 2 colors seed beads size 15/0. I used other finishes of the bicones in the motif in the middle than in the other two. This gives a playful twist to the necklace. I used passionate colors since beading is my passion.
Tanja and Kathy – our sister’s-beading duo made wonderful jewels! We’re so happy you’re part of the Beadingschool Club!
Earrings by Christina Nordin Kilpeläinen and Diane Sawczyn
Christina Nordin Kilpeläinen – earrings with the pendant on the left
Diane Sawczyn – earrings on the right
Both Kicki, and Diane made beautiful versions of Alicia’s Flower, decorating it with a large glass drop in a metal setting. Diane extended the length of her earrings with beaded elements from Superduo beads with Preciosa rhinestone in the center – very nice idea! Thank you, ladies!
Necklace by Ulla Edenmark
A single motif decorated with glass drop in a metal setting was Ulla’s choice. I love her harmonious color choice and the way she created the necklace from bugle beads with bicones! Wonderful idea, great result. Thank you, Ulla.
Single pendant by Zuzi Hake and Deb Taylor
Zuzi – pendant on the left side – says:
My Alicia’s flower in a necklace with bezeled rivoli, rhinestone cupchain and colored filigree. Erika, this is such a beautiful design, thank you!
Deb – pendant on the right side – says:
International beading week pattern, Alicia’s Flower Pattern by Erika, beaded by me. Thank you for the lovely pattern I took a section of each part and made the necklace dangle!
Happy colors, fresh look, different elements are what connect these two pieces. Alicia’s Flower is the perfect piece to decorate and play with!
Bead embroidered pendant by Faye Williams
Faye says:
I’m very proud of this piece! It is the first time I have sewn a filigree to Ultrasuede and sewn the motif on top (I watched past lessons from Erika on techniques). I’m super happy with the result.Thanks, Erika for what will be another classic design. I usually ‘let my pieces go’ but I think I will be keeping this one
Alicia’s Flower Bracelet by Ellinor Hellhoff

Ellinor says:
This bracelet took some time to get the right look and fitting of the strands.
It was worth the effort, Ellinor! Earthy shades of warm, dark red with turquoise are a perfect match. I love how you chose the filigree to support the motif, attaching different styles of beaded strands to create a bracelet. Thank you for your inspiring version of Alicia’s Flower!
Set of bead embroidered bracelet and pendant by Tammy Netzer
Tammy used the large round laser-cut filigree to support Alicia’s Flower and enhanced the colors with it. She also attached the textile poppy flower to decorate the pendant. What a beautiful, dreamy set, Tammy! So nice to see you get inspired!
More Alicia’s Flower motifs by Marion Hentrich, Katalin Dudás, Martine Lion, and Virginia Bremken
Marion Hentrich – motif on the top left side – says:
My Alicia Element so far. I think it will be incorporated into a necklace.
Katalin Dudás – motif on the top right side – says:
A single one for now, I don’t have enough bicones and need other GemDuos as well. But it will be a necklace later.
Martine Lion – motif on the bottom left side
Ginny Bremken – motif on the bottom right side – says:
I was all set to make a necklace, but, it could be a great bracelet too. Maybe with a filigree too. The pink pearls I dug out of my stash during the contest would be a nice band or chain. Decisions, decisions!
Each is different, all beautiful! I can totally understand all the dilemmas or little complications like running out of beads for finishing the necklace. Alicia’s Flower gives a lot of options! Thank you, ladies, for beading with us!
I really hope you liked these few examples of Alicia’s Flower design beaded by Beadinschool Club members! Come, join us, and bead with Erika and other beaders from all around the world. Friday’s #nooneHasToBeadAlone session is opened for everyone.
I love International Beading Week and our beading community. Erika gifted us such a beautiful design to work with this year and I really enjoyed making something new. It is wonderful how one design can become so many gorgeous, unique and special pieces. Well done everyone! ❤️
Erika ďakujem za tento krasny darček – návod. Môj ešte len dokončujem a uz teraz som nadšená 🤗💖
Zuzi 😘 a tebe vďaka za článok a zhrnutie nádherných šperkov od priateľok korálkarok 👌👏😍 Sme úžasná skupina, mám vás všetky rada 💖👏
I’m so happy to be part of this beadingcommunity. Alicia’s flower is such a gorgeous design.