Face to Face interviews with our fellow beaders and designers are back! We’re naturally curious to meet and know more about people in our community, to learn more about them, their life as a person and beader, inspiration, plans. This time we looked into our Beadingschool Club and asked for an interview.
Do you know the feeling, when you think “Hm, ok,…I’ve seen that, nothing can surprise me”, and then there’s a new beaded jewel that takes your breath away! It doesn’t have to be big in size, but it is fresh, full of new ideas, interesting components and it plays with your mind.
Meet our Beadingschool Club member and fantastic beader, Deb Taylor!
We’re very happy Deb is part of our community. Her jewelry often leaves us amazed. She likes to use colors and is not afraid to think outside the box. Each component is added wisely and creates balance. If you ever look at driftwood on the beach and you think it’s not useful, you should change your mind. Deb is able to mix it with beads and create an amazing necklace! Come, let’s meet her!
Please tell us about yourself a bit! When and how did you start to create? How did you learn to bead?
I also love to go to one of the lakes here in Michigan when my husband gets time off. We walk the beach looking for driftwood, rocks, beach glass, and enjoying the time out in the sun. I do lots of crafting and scrapbooking when time permits. I also enjoy walking downtown and taking photos. I love seeing how people decorate their houses and I love taking pictures of the new sculptures in town. I collect anything with a Mickey Mouse theme – somehow I fell in love with him and beading around the same time so there is a special connection.

Is beadwork your hobby or profession? How does your average day look like? When do you have time to create?
Tell us about the piece of jewelry you are the most proud of!

What are your plans for the future as a beader? Is there something you would really like to learn?
I would love to keep on beading, learning, and changing things up. I would like to make Erika’s Estrella necklace.
Thank you for answering my questions, Deb!
Dear friends, you can use the comment section if you have more questions you would like to ask, or greet Deb. Stay tuned for more interviews for Beadingschool.com by Erika Sándor!
I enjoyed this interview and learning more about you! I’ve always liked your use of color. I’m also in Michigan (Ann Arbor) but I know it’s a huge state and we could be many hours away. It would be fun to meet one day.
Susan thank you and that is a possibility as I do come down to the Ann Arbor area a few times a year , I love picking out colors that make me happy and can liven up a day!
Nice to know a little bit more about you Deb! I’m looking forward to seeing lots more of your beady projects as they are always inspiring. ❤️
Thank you !
Deb, this is such a great interview. I’ve been admiring your work for awhile now. I love how you use color in your designs; they certainly are bright and cheerful! You are such a great inspiration for headers everywhere, especially us novices. Keep up the fantastic work so we may all enjoy your beautiful creations.
Thank you for and keep creating
I enjoyed reading about you and getting to know you a step better so much! Thank you very much for the interview and keep beading with us.
Than you ! I was once interview on tv but this was way more detailed thank you for believing in my creations!
Deb, I have always admired your creations on the beading school site and enjoyed seeing more in this article. Thanks for taking the time to let us get to know you better. Keep up the good work! I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with the face.
Thanks for believing in me at first it was extremely hard for me to post anything I made , this group has made me feel so appreciated
Thank you for the kind words !