A few weeks ago I organised a contest where the participants could win a beading book – according to their own choice. There were 321 beaders who tried their luck. It was great to see so many entries and a lot of fun to browse the answers to see which beading books are at the top of your wish list!
Which beading books are the most popular?
Here’s the list of the TOP 10!
If a book or two catches your attention, click on the title or the picture itself! The links get you directly to Amazon.
(They are affiliate links. It means that if you decide to place an order, I will get a small commission – it helps me to cover the expenses for this site. Important: you pay the same amount if you get to Amazon through an affiliate link as if you go there directly, so it costs nothing extra for you.)
10. Jean Power: Geometric beadwork
Jean Power’s brilliant book is exploring the possibilities of geometric constructions in beadwork, focusing mainly on beaded triangles with sections dedicated to squares and hexagons, too. My copy of this beading book came directly from Jean several years ago, together with two postcards signed by Jean herself, and even a handful of Miyuki Delicas and handy tools!
However, the ultimate best thing about Jean Power’s books is the dedicated Facebook group, where you can always count on help while beading from Jean’s books.
9. Marcia DeCoster: Beads in motion
24 jewelry projects that spin, sway, swing and slide
Marcia DeCoster is definitely among my favourite writers when it comes to beading books. Not only are her projects easy to follow and the pictures beautiful, but the clever construction of her beadwork forces you to think as a “beadweaving engineer” and improve yourself constantly.
8. Kate McKinnon: Contemporary geometric beadwork
If you already fall in love with beaded triangles, squares, pentagons and hexagons, it’s time to push your limits and learn to bead some more advanced geometric shapes! Kate McKinnon’s beading books are the Bible of geometric beadwork. They teach you to bead every shape you can imagine, and then some more.
7. Cynthia Newcomer Daniel: Modern beaded lace
Cynthia is one of the greatest contemporary beadwork artists. Her unique style is like a glimpse to the French high court of the 18th century, but can fit into the elegant wardrobe of a contemporary lady perfectly. Her beadwork tutorials show a different, challenging viewpoint to jewellery making: the necklaces, bracelets and earrings are made of beads, but evoke the look of the delicate laces of our grandmothers and the look of masterfully crafted golden and silver filigrees.
To get to know Cynthia Newcomer Daniel better click here for an interview.
6. Cath Thomas and Gerlinde Lenz: Diamond Weave
A complete guide to mastering the bead world’s newest stitch
Aren’t bead-friendships awesome? Gerlinde Lenz came up with one of the newest beading stitches, then together with Cath Thomas they developed 23 different projects to take you from the basic stitch to elaborate beaded jewellery step by step.
5. Kelly Wiese: Exotic adornments
18 luxurious beadwork jewelry projects
I must confess that this book and even the name Kelly Wiese were new to me. However, the glamorous cover photo and the motto “Glitz, glamour – and beads!” were enough to make me want this beading book very, very much!
4. Melanie de Miguel: Let’s hubble!
A journey into the brand new beadwork stitch
Melanie came and won our hearts over with her newly invented beading technique. Hubble stitch is not only fun, but incredibly versatile: Melanie and her 12 fab beading projects takes you on different adventures: you learn to make bracelets, earrings and ropes, and moreover a cabochon bezel using Hubble stitch!
3. Isabella Lam: Beautiful beadweaving
Simply gorgeous jewelry
Since the time I first saw this beautiful book cover I’m totally in love with this book. The fancy bracelets, necklaces etc. featuring a great many fancy Swarovski Elements stones are gorgeous! Isabella is a fellow member of the Beadsmith Inspiration Squad, and I simply love her style. She also prepared kits in numerous colorways for the projects from this beading book, so you’re in for a full service with her!
BTW the winner of the competition, Barb chose (and already received) Isabella Lam’s Beautiful beadweaving.
2. Sherry Serafini: Sensational bead embroidery
I adore Sherry. But come on, who doesn’t? 😀 She’s the multiple winner of many beading competitions. She arranges the most diverse components, cabochons and beads into surprising, harmonious and very characteristic bracelets, necklaces and handbags.

1. Diane Fitzgerald’s Shaped beadwork: dimensional jewelry with peyote stitch
Beadweaving master class
If you could have only one beading book in your library, I would definitely advice to get Diane Fitzgerald’s Shaped beadwork. She explores the topic of geometric constructions in beadwork thoroughly, starting with simple 2D shapes and finishing with elaborate, clever designs engineered from beaded triangles, squares, hexagons and more.
No wonder there were over 100 people opting for Diane’s brilliant beading book!
Did you miss the chance to win the best beading book?
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Do you have your own favourite beading book?
Tell us in a comment, which one is it!
Recommended articles:
5 books to read about beading by svetlana.gallery
Best beading books by Larkcrafts.com
Kristal’s Top 10 Must-Have Books for Every Beader by interweave.com
I taught myself to bead from Laura McCabe’s Embellished Beadwork. It is inspiring and easy to follow. She is a delightful teacher and a true artist.
I’m looking forward to learning many new things very excited thank you