I thought it would be nice to prepare some eye-catching jewel that is easy and fast to make and it is single piece. A pendant!
Initial idea to use multiple color layers of Ultra Suede as main element came when I was preparing the blog post about large Raindrop earrings. You can easily create your own unique pendant using bead embroidery technique even if it’s new for you. Basics can be found in ‘Bead a turtle – save a turtle‘ tutorial by Erika. If you need to see how to sew backstitch, attach rhinestone cup chain or top loop to your beadwork, follow Erika’s video tutorials on the Traveller pendant. For decorating and attaching tassel I recommend Kalpana earrings tutorial.
Guest post from Zuzi Hake.
What will you need?
Material List
- Ultra Suede or leather (2 colors, I used 3 – counting also backing),
- 10 mm bezeled rivoli ,
- 11/0 Miyuki Delica beads,
- 15/0 Miyuki round seed beads,
- Preciosa rhinestone cupchains,
- Lacy’s Stiff Stuff or cardboard paper – I used hard paper cover from my chocolate,
- Tassel.
- 0.12 mm Fireline, I recommend Black Satin finish as it doesn’t leave stains on your hands or jewelry piece you create,
- beading needle,
- glue (I used E-6000 and F-6000 with tip applicator for delicate edges),
- bead mat,
- sharp scissors,
- ruler and drawing compass.
- Draw your “pendant” on a piece of paper and cut it out with scissors. You are going to use this as a template. You can help yourself with a ruler or drawing compass. Cup for single-shot espresso works equally well to get smaller and larger circle (I couldn’t find my drawing compass for some time so used this idea when I started to brainstorm first ideas 😀 ). For saving paper I drew both circles into one piece of paper and used it for both the outer and inner parts.
- Place the template of the larger circle to Ultra Suede (US), draw around it. Cut at least 0.5cm around the border so you have a comfortable size to work with. I used yellow color as larger piece. Place the template of smaller circle to US – fuchsia, draw around it and cut it out as precisely as possible.
- Now you can try layout of your basic components and colors to see what you like and how it looks.
- Decorate base of the US by sewing 15/0 beads along the border. I used 6 beads in the backstitch. Sew through all the beads again when you finish. They lean nicely in line. Keep the tension that is not too tight as the US will deform. You can lay whole US base to table and gently press it to feel the tension.
- Add rhinestone cupchain with sewing it into inner part of the circle. Don’t cut it until you see how will fit the last pieces of rhinestones into the circle.
- Bezel the rivoli with peyote stitch.
- Take another cupchain, smaller US circle and bezeled rivoli to see how they fit. I really hope you like what you see!
- Sew the first 3 stones from the rhinestone cup chain to the base for correct measurements. Glue a small US circle and then finish sewing the rest of the rhinestone cup chain all around it. You can decorate the inner circle with a row of 15/0 to hide small imperfections if you see any. You’re beading through 2 layers of US so it may go a little harder.
- Place the bezeled rivoli in the inside and sew it into your beadwork, use C11s from the first row of your peyote bezel for stitches.
- Cut the US around, leave a few mm on the edge for gluing. Cut the cardboard or Lacy’s according to the US and cover it with a thin layer of glue. Connect it with the US and press your future earring gently to the base. Let it dry.
- Cover the back with thin layer of glue again and connect it to US – the backing. I used a light blue color. Leave it dry. Cut all around the edge again leaving only about 0.5 mm.
- Decorate the Delica beads on the edge of the pendant. You will stitch through the whole beadwork.
- The real party starts now 😉 Choose the direction of your pendant – symmetrical, asymmetrical, bottom down or up, tassel, drop, rhinestone or ball chain pendants, short or long necklace?
- Bead a loop on top of your pendant using peyote stitch (see the Traveller pendant videos).
- Bead peyote stripe and decorate the tassel. Attach the tassel to your pendant. (see Kalpana earringsdesign).
- Finish your pendant by hanging it to a chain, cord, or necklace of your choice.
An extraordinary model. Congratulations Zuzi! I will work on this model as soon as possible.